I'm back. This is a recording.
(too old to reply)
2023-01-17 22:41:54 UTC
So. I haven't been offline, but I didn't really have Usenet access. (Foogle
froups doesn't count.)

Moved again. Went through literally the worst 2 weeks of my life. Things
haven't really gotten much better yet, but at least the "worst" part is over.

I see that Bob hasn't posted in a few months. Still here?
Headline: "Rapture postponed as world inexplicably fails to end"
Big Bad Bombastic Bob
2023-11-26 23:20:50 UTC
Post by Auric__
So. I haven't been offline, but I didn't really have Usenet access. (Foogle
froups doesn't count.)
Moved again. Went through literally the worst 2 weeks of my life. Things
haven't really gotten much better yet, but at least the "worst" part is over.
I see that Bob hasn't posted in a few months. Still here?
usenet support from ISPs is dwindling.

People forget that it exists, along with IRC. Is that a deliberate
attempt by "Big Data" to pipeline EVERYTHING through THEM?

Since Musk bought Tw*tter aka X I've been making a LOT of noise on
there. Bigger audience. Now you see LOTS of people able to supply TONS
of good info regarding the Climate Hoax [I have this graphic I use to
summarize why man-made CO2 can NOT be responsile for climate change,
using 101 level science and layman terms when possible]. I can easily
be found there, heh.

Trolls over there get boring too quickly though. Lissi had a scoring
method decades ago. Getting mail-bombed was worth a certain number of
points, as well as profanity and repeated posts [IIRC] . Maybe someone
out there can re-post it.

In any case it's free-er on X now, not as free a USENET but stands alone
I think when it comes to the OTHER commercial platforms.

Anyway, I may try and promote USENET, see what happpens.
