Paypal's Zettle Exploit (0 code required)
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Humans are Dumb
2022-04-16 00:46:15 UTC
I tried to warn them of this but it has fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps this will get their attention.

When you use your AMEX against a Zettle terminal, the charge shows up on the statement as "Retail". The charge is suspicious enough for AMEX to side with the customer and initiate a dispute. Free products for all until they fix it.

Happy shopping!
Humans are Dumb
2022-04-17 15:15:16 UTC
Post by Humans are Dumb
I tried to warn them of this but it has fallen on deaf ears. Perhaps this will get their attention.
When you use your AMEX against a Zettle terminal, the charge shows up on the statement as "Retail". The charge is suspicious enough for AMEX to side with the customer and initiate a dispute. Free products for all until they fix it.
Happy shopping!
The flaw has been patched.
